Sunday, November 18, 2012

Maybe the Right was right.
Part One.
Well it’s been a little over a week since Washington State made gay marriage legal. What a momentous event. After being legalized legislatively, same sex marriage was finally legalized by a vote of the people.
During the lead up to the election the conservative right alleged that the passage of r-74 would lead to the erosion of traditional marriage, recruitment of our nations’ youth into the gay, immoral lifestyle and countless other socially detrimental activities as defined by the intolerant standard bearers on the Right.

I’ve always leaned way left, although I prefer my politicians to hover just to the left of center. For me gay marriage is about social equity and inclusion, notions lost on the Political right. But after only a week and the law not yet fully implemented I’m having second thoughts. I've begun noticing a profound moral shift in and around the small community in which I live.

These are some of the things I’ve seen:

High school age girls being gang scissored by uber butch,lesbian teachers. Apparently all educators, at least in godless, liberal , urban areas are homosexuals and the schools themselves little more than homo incubators whose sole focus is increasing the risk of our little babies bumping the wrong kind of junk.

Pre-pubescent boys wearing tighter than normal white tee shirts and saddle shoes, discussing not X-Box or any box, sports or girls, but instead the last episode of Glee. Blaine’s such a bitch.

Groups of teenagers, discussing their excitement over being able to choose their sexuality when the time comes. Gushing over the possibilities of a brave new world where their sexual identities are as flexible as Larry Craig’s lower leg in an airport urinal. And to think I’d always thought it to be biological. How could I be so naïve.
Unhinged, empty looks upon the faces of heterosexual couples abruptly confronted with the grim realization that their unions are suddenly devoid of meaning or substance, as they wander aimlessly through a barren emotional wasteland that is the new nuptial norm.

So now I know not what to think.  Could it be that the Right was on to something? Shudder to think, but the possibility exists that those of us who believed that rights for all was a solemn truth, were little more than misinformed Pollyanna’s.

No, that’s bullshit.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Platform bed

This is our new platform bed. Cedar posts and the remnants of old fir high school bleachers from Bellingham.  The little creature is Sir William. Pretty regal looking and showing decent posture for a change.
Recycled fir is beautiful and super stable, but it's often pretty challenging to work with. Saw blades and router bits blow out corners and splinter off edges right when you think you're in the clear.


Alice lives.
This reminds me of the billboards in the early seventies that read: Frodo lives. Probably not as dramatic though.
Well, after a long summer building shit other than boats, I'm back in the shop in fits and starts.

Alice has seen her rails installed, breasthooks, bulkheads, centerboard case and deckbeams begun. I'm trying to discipline myself to sand at least a little during each work session. There's nothing worse than waiting until the end and being inundated with this thankless task.

Friday, November 2, 2012

This is what an Iain Oughtred, Arctic Tern looks like from the water line.